Hi there, it's Ilia Tumenko.
I have designed games, balanced, coded a bit, led teams, produced, launched, promoted, operated, consulted, and so on. Since 2018, it's primary mobile games publishing: I headed AppQuantum, when there were just two employees, and left it in 2021 with several successful products, earning millions of profits.
Then I started my own publishing: 10K Riders; and despite reaching a few profitable games, in late 2023 we closed operations, and here I am.
I'm mostly a product and business guy, but I also did some UX mockups, balanced games, dived into admon, led creative production, also made UA prediction models in gsheets and dashboards in Tableau… — and despite all of that is outside of my expertise, there are not many things in whole mobile gamedev I haven't touched at least :)
Top projects I've hung around in past years:
- as publisher's head: Gold & Goblins, Lumber Inc, Idle Evil, Stone Age - as consulter / consulting team lead: TanksAlot, Day R Survival, Art of War 3, Human Evolution, Decentraland
Currently, I'm open to offers. Here is my LinkedIn, but don't try to contact me there: I'm buried by a shitton of spam and barely check it. You can reach me via FB or Telegram.
What else to read/listen
(no relations, just nice sources)